Patrick J. Sullivan
for Foster City Council 2024
"Leadership Not Politics"
Endorsments by the Citizens
Carolyn Cox- Past Lion President
Mary True- Past Lion President
Andre DeVito- Foster City Resident
Gloria Marin- Foster City Resident
Dr. Fel Amistad- Professor
Doug Crom- CPA
Richie Taylor- Foster City Resident
David Finkelstein- Attorney
Joanne M. Bohigian- Foster City Resident
Phyllis McArthur - Foster City Resident
Solomon Tsai- Foster City Business Owner
Dimitri Fanourgiakis- Foster City Business Owner
John Fanourgiakis -Foster City Business Owner
Nick Fanourgiakis-Foster City Business Owner
George Fanourgiakis-Foster City Buisness Owner
Randall Lee- Foster City Resident
Ubaldo Gialucci- Foster City Resident
Elizabeth Gialucci- Foster City Resident
Julie Flouty- Foster City Resident
Tim McGovern- Foster City Resident
Barbara Joyner- Foster City Resident
Kenneth Owens- Foster City Resident
Maria Bura- Foster City Resident
Lisa O'Brien- Foster City Resident
Eldwin Nishiiwa- Foster City Resident
Fred Baer- Foster City Resident
Add your name to Patrick's Endorsement List here
Vision on the Topics for our Community
Manage Budgets through COVID-19 - As a result of the pandemic we must prepare for hard times ahead. City revenue will be impacted, while expenses go up. My expertise in running a business will help us plan for and navigate through these hard times.
Ensure Housing Projects Meet Community Needs - Housing proposals should be assessed on project-by-project basis, and prioritized based on the type of housing we need -- senior housing, workforce housing, below market rental or affordable purchase. I have the experience we need to evaluate these proposals.
Reimagine Policing - To ensure community safety, our police department must have the trust of the community. We are blessed with a great foundation upon which to build this trust, and I support efforts for continuous improvement. I believe we can make our police department the best run in the County, by reassessing and reimagining how we deliver services.
Rotation of Council- It is always good governance to rotate the Mayor position unless one is unwilling to serve in that role. This process should never be used for political propose.
The Levee - The Levee is our biggest project and we need to stay on task. See my recent article to the SM Journal.
Council Decorum- We should always follow Robert’s Rule of order and also respect other Councilmembers and most of all the public and residents. Here's info on the Brown act.
Address Traffic Concerns- We need fresh solutions to our traffic challenges. I will work with the Transit Authority to connect all forms of transportation through one card, and will work with major employers on flexible hours and work from home solutions. I will listen to neighborhoods, and work with them to address their concerns.
Recreation Center- We must ensure that proposals meet the needs of our future, and choose the path that makes the most sense for our community. I pledge a robust community engagement process where your voice is heard.
Video: League of Women Voters Candidate Forum : 9-28-2015: City Hall
Video: Foster City Candidate Forum - 8-26-2015: Crown Plaza Hotel
Foster City Resident Supporters
We would love to have your name added to this list. Please email us at patricksullivanfostercity@gmail.com and we will add your name!
Robert Pedro, MRE
Wing Yu
Evan Adams
Anna Dupont
Sue Walsh
Tom Pavela
Joe Ward
Phyllis McArther
Melissa Pedro
Lisa Azzopardi
Diana Weng
John Bernatt
Gary Malykin
Islam Halteh
Samir Halteh
Gloria Marin
Dennis Conners
Tom Pavela
Bonnie Roosseau
William Lang
Marshal Lee
Robert Peagler
Sue Sullivan
Dennis Sullivan
Scott Sullivan
Dan O'Brien
Lisa O' Brien
Greg Moscini
Wei Wang
Baldio Giuliacci
Elizabeth Giuliacci
Ghassan Jabri
Wil Tanap
Ira Fruitman
Judy Larid
John Melko
Karen Melko
John Miller
Carolyn Cox
Marsha Kliewer
Woody Andrews
Patricia Munn
Nancy Feldstein
Willi Doeschl
Helen Doeschl
Siavoosh Enayati
Theresa Fairley
Walter Mc Elroy
Nancy Feldstein
Anna Costa
Juan Wang
Russell Milner
Wanda Petra’s
Donna Yee
Geneva Yee
Bridget Mahoney
Mahjoub Boudali
Helen Kennedy
Sujanapriya Sridharan
Sridhara Srinivasan
David Masuda
Stephen Baker
Wendy Marzetta
Kenneth Lerner
Laurie Lerner
Radharani Dutta Gupta
Marilyn Rush
Ricardo Carion
Debra Oliver
Irvine Oliver
Racha Gulati
Christine Abbott
Nancy Gilliland
Sivapriya Ramachandran
Barbara Kalman
Norman Kalman
Charlene Joe
Bridget Michelsen
Douglas Michelsen
Diane Firpo
Eugene Firpo
Nina Lo Schiavo
Joseph Schiavo
Marilyn Rudee
Stephen Rudee
Collen Boyarsky
Brian Hodges
Mark Kassebaum
Mary Lynn Kassebaum
Patricia Mary Ann Mastalir
Daniel O’brien
Lisa Anne O’Brien
Marina Bura
Yuri Osipchuk
Christopher Lacunza
Ubaldo Giuliacci
Elisabeth Giuliacci
Ira Fruitman
Gregory Moscini
Linda Shum
Jeffery Shum
Gretchen Van Dine
Phillip Fang
Yue Wen Joyce Fang
Rodney Serizawa
Karen Schmid
Karl Schmid
Hana Jabari
Candidate for 2020 Foster City Council
Community Activist Patrick J. Sullivan
"As a 30 years resident it's become evident that we need new leaders that put the city and community first. This means focusing on solutions around the issues facing our residents, instead of the same politicians that represent the same agendas.
We need Leadership, not Politics!"
Patrick Sullivan